Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sewing 101 – Just the Basics

It is always fun to learn a new skill or craft. In the case of sewing, it can be both a household skill and a fun craft at the same time. The term “sewing” can encompass anything from simple repairs to full-blown projects such as clothing and household textiles. Whether you have ever sewed before, of if you are “crafty” are not an issue if you can thread a needle. If you can thread the needle then you can learn to sew; it really isn’t hard to do with some basic instruction and practice.

Whenever you are starting out to learn something new, it is always a challenge. There is so much information online and in books that it can feel a bit overwhelming at times. However, if you take the time to start with the very basic information and build your knowledge from there, then your skills will surely follow.

Sewing Lessons – Formal or Informal

Learning to sew is really one of those “hands on” type things. You can easily learn to sew but you have to take the time to try it out and see what works for you. The easiest thing you can do is sign up for a sewing lesson at your local craft, sewing machine or quilting store. Generally any store which sells the more expensive sewing machines will offer lessons for free or at a very reasonable cost. You do not have to buy their sewing machine simply to take a class and try out sewing for yourself.

Another more formal lesson environment can be your local adult school or community college. Many of these learning institutions offer low cost crafting and sewing classes to members of the local community. This can be a great option for learning a new skill and meeting people with a similar interest at the same time.

If you have a friend or relative who knows how to sew, ask them to show you how. Find an easy project to start on and ask them if they will give you a hand at completing it and show you what you need to know. Most people are more than happy to spend time teaching people what they know.

If no one in your area offers lessons, and you don’t happen to know anyone who sews, you can always find tutorials and lessons online. Simply go to any search engine and type in the words “sewing lessons” and you will have thousands of options to choose from!

Learn the Lingo

Sewing, just like many other crafts, has its own language. It is very helpful to purchase a basic sewing book or look online to learn the most basic of sewing terms. None of the terms are difficult to learn, they are just simply different. And, by learning the sewing lingo you can much more easily follow directions for completing projects.

Start Small and Easy

Your first sewing projects should be simple and aimed at teaching you one specific skill. If you want to learn to make things for your home, for example, start with easy projects such as pillows. You can start with a simple square pillow and then move up to more complicated versions as you master sewing the straight lines of the square. If your goal is to start sewing clothing, you might want to start by making a skirt or something else which is forgiving of any mistakes you might have.

Don’t Spend a Lot of Money Until You Know What You Really Want from Sewing

It is always exciting to learn something new and go out and buy all of the stuff you need to make whatever you want. However, rather than going out and buying a top-of-the-line sewing machine and tons of other items, start with things you have around your home and a very basic sewing machine. This will ensure that when you purchase things they end up being what you really want.

Regardless of your sewing goals, be assured that you can absolutely learn how to sew. It is not a hard skill to learn, but it takes a bit of patience and practice to learn. Have fun with it and see where it takes you.

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